Ryan Glatt, MS, CPT, NBC-HWC
Brain Health Coach; Director, FitBrain Program
Ryan Glatt is a Certified Personal Trainer and a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach with over a decade of experience. He focuses his exercise and health coaching strategies on brain health, personalizing lifestyle interventions for individuals with brain and cognitive health goals. Ryan is a Brain Health Coach and the Director of the FitBrainSM Program at Pacific Neuroscience Institute.
Ryan is a voracious learner of health neuroscience and enjoys employing practical strategies in both health coaching and personal training contexts. He has pursued education from the Amen Clinics, The BrainFirst Training Institute, the Neuroscience Academy, and the Academy for Brain Health & Performance. After receiving his Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science for California Lutheran University, he received a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from King’s College of London, and is currently enrolled in a PhD program in Leadership: Health & Human Performance, with a minor in Gerontology, through Concordia University of Chicago.
Ryan has experience working with a wide variety of populations and currently focuses on individuals with cognitive concerns and neurological conditions, with an emphasis on preventing and slowing cognitive decline. He enjoys working in multidisciplinary teams and helping individuals to build their own team of allied health and medical professionals on their brain health journeys. Ryan specializes in constructing “brain healthy exercise programs” based on the most recent scientific literature while helping to address other important aspects of a brain healthy lifestyle, such as sleep and cognitive stimulation.
Ryan developed and currently directs the FitBrainSM program with an expertise in combining brain and body training (also called dual-tasking) through “serious exergaming” (purposeful, goal-oriented games that involve physical movement), which utilizes innovative technologies to train cognitive and physical skills simultaneously. After losing weight and rehabilitating from a concussion at a younger age through the popular game Dance Dance Revolution, Ryan’s passion for “games for good” has continued into the realm of brain health, and he actively consults for several technology companies in clinical exergaming, gamified rehabilitation, and dual-task training. Ryan has a specialized interest in research in this area, and regularly collaborates with other researchers.
Ryan also has a passion for continued education and developed the first comprehensive course on brain health and exercise for health and fitness professionals, the Brain Health Trainer course, which is distributed by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the largest certifying body of personal trainers in the world, alongside their Senior Fitness Specialization. Ryan is an experienced international speaker on the topic of brain health and exercise and enjoys educating professionals in a variety of settings.