Pacific Movement Disorders Center 2019: Year in Review
by Guest Author
2019 has been a great year. It is also the end of the decade. While the Pacific Movement Disorders Center is only four years old, in these short years we have gotten to know our patients and their families’ needs. It is with this understanding...
Clinical Trials Round Up: December 2019
by Mini Gill
Find out about Pacific Neuroscience Institute's leading edge clinical trials for Lewy Bodies dementia, Cushing's disease, Alzheimer's, brain tumor and more.
Brain Matters: 4 Healthy Holiday Tips for the Season and Throughout the Year
by Lesley Bell
These healthy holiday tips from Lesley Bell will help you enjoy this festival season with family and friends, and hopefully avoid the stress and extra pounds. See what Lesley recommends in this article featured in the Santa Monica Star. Combatting Weight Gain and Boosting Healthy...
Reaching Wellness on a Cancer Journey Through Cancer Support Services
by Shanthi Gowrinathan
Learn about how the focus on psycho-oncology can help patient's reach wellness during cancer treatment in this article featured in the Santa Monica Star.
Brain Matters: Our Cognitive Fitness Studio and the Science Behind It
by Sarah McEwen, PhD
Our Cognitive Fitness Studio was featured in the Santa Monica star. Read the article and learn about our studo and the science behind our CogFit program.
Patient Story: A Young Boy Finds Help at PNI for Pediatric Cushing’s Disease
by Guest Author
A devoted father searching around the world for help finds the care his son needs at Pacific Neuroscience Institute. Read Basab’s story below. A Search for Medical Help and Hope One can only imagine the anguish of Deg Gharti Chhetri by the fall of 2018....
Last updated: September 10th, 2020