global view constructed of white lines


maya angelou quote
February 14, 2017

Life After Cushing’s Disease

by Sharmyn McGraw

My Life Is Up To Me The experts say that 80 percent of any kind of success starts with personal participation. Therefore, all of you reading the Pituitary Network Association’s Newsletter are 80 percent better off in the game of life for your simplest of...

Alice Beirne and Rita Cornyn
December 25, 2016

PATIENT STORY: The Evolving Role of Caregivers

by Zara Jethani

Like many people, Alice Beirne was unprepared to become a cancer caregiver. But with hope and determination, Alice and a team of relatives stepped in to help a loved one navigate through a year of cancer treatment and recovery. “It’s a journey, and every day...

businesswoman smiling
November 15, 2016

PATIENT STORY: Clival Chordoma

by Amy Eisenberg

As I approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am eternally grateful for Dr. Daniel Kelly, Dr. Garni Barkhoudarian, Dr. Chester Griffiths and their entire team. Because of these brilliant doctors and the staff at Saint Johns Health Center (now Providence), I am alive, healthy, strong and...

Families Caring for an Aging America banner
November 9, 2016

The Hidden Plight of Family Caregivers

by Marlon Saria

If this is the first time you are hearing that November is National Family Caregivers Month, you are not alone. Many Americans, including professional healthcare providers, are not aware that there is a month designated to promoting national recognition of family caregivers. President Clinton signed...

polaroid photos on a desk
November 3, 2016

When a Stroke Survivor Becomes a Leader

by Zara Jethani

Pacific Stroke & Aneurysm Center’s patient support group leader Dana Rivera, tells her story from devastation to success. In the summer of 2009 at the age of 44, Dana’s life changed forever. An active, full time mother and wife, Dana Rivera suddenly experienced startling symptoms....

Daniel F. Kelly MD & Sharmyn McGraw
September 22, 2016

Cushing’s Disease: What Happens When Your Whole Life Changes?

by Sharmyn McGraw

As I walked into my favorite health food market I noticed Laurie, one of my closest girlfriends, hurrying to catch up with me. Laurie took one look at me and gasped. My heart sank and tears welled up in my eyes. The expression on her...

global pni patients banner
September 16, 2016

Traveling the Extra Mile: International Patient Stories (Part 2 of 2)

by Daniel F. Kelly

We welcome patients from around the globe and invite you to contact us. Here are a few of our patients who tell their stories. Information for International Patients Juan from Chile – Pituitary Adenoma:  Finding the diagnosis was the hardest part. It took me a year;...

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September 7, 2016

Acromegaly 101: Pituitary Patient Perspectives (Part 2 of 2)

by Sharmyn McGraw

As a patient advocate I work with many pituitary patient advocate organizations around the world.  Since my own pituitary surgery with Dr. Daniel Kelly over 16 years ago my passion has grown stronger. I’m still seeing too many patients showing acromegaly symptoms going far too long...

green eye closeup
June 15, 2016

PATIENT STORY: Endocrine-Inactive Pituitary Macroadenoma

by Amy Eisenberg

All In A Day’s Work In July 2015, Brent B. noticed that he was losing his peripheral vision and made an appointment with an ophthalmologist. After a battery of tests, his doctor determined that he should see a neuro-ophthalmologist. He found that Brent had damage to a portion of his optic nerve and an MRI...

no surrender banner
May 11, 2016

PATIENT STORY: Many Options to Treat CNS Lymphoma

by Zara Jethani

It was Winston Churchill who famously said, “Never give in—never, never never.” He could have been describing Rudolf Metzger and his Providence Saint John’s Health Center physician Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD. Metzger has confronted numerous obstacles over his 70 years. As a young immigrant from Austria,...

Last updated: November 13th, 2019