The Whole Story about Chemo Brain and Cognitive Dysfunction
by PNI Experts
With an increasing number of individuals surviving a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common concerns raised by cancer survivors is cognitive dysfunction, frequently referred to as “chemobrain”.
Insurance providers should not be playing doctor
by Barbara Giesser
Legislature has the chance to change standards insurers use when deciding on medications patients are allowed to receive. As a multiple sclerosis neurologist, I see patients with chronic medical conditions. While these diseases are not curable, they are treatable with appropriate strategies, including medications that...
Is Early Brain Cancer Detection on the Horizon?
by Santosh Kesari
By the time patients start getting treated for brain cancer, their prognosis is often very poor, with an average survival of 14 months. Find out how early detection of cancers is emerging as a promising field of exploration.
Viewpoint on Cancer: Precision Medicine and Brain Cancer
by Santosh Kesari
Precision medicine is credited with huge strides in cancer treatment and anyone diagnosed with cancer should consider a personalized approach. Read about Santosh Kesari, MD, PhD's take on treatment advances.
Last updated: January 11th, 2018