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Cancer survivor wearing a scarf
May 15, 2017

Introducing A Cancer Survivorship Support Program

by Zara Jethani

Cancer survivors can now have access to more coordinated resources for their cancer care or post-cancer needs though Providence Saint John’s Health Center’s new survivorship program, made possible by a major gift from cancer survivor Monica Salinas, PhD.

Dr. Marilou Terpenning
Dr. Marilou Terpenning

“Cancer survivorship starts with the diagnosis of cancer, which can be terrifying,” says Dr. Terpenning, who helped found the survivorship program. “There’s a very intense period of fact-finding to become knowledgeable enough to feel confident in care. Patients are often overwhelmed with information—it’s like trying to drink from a fire hose. This gracious gift will help us strengthen the program, which will give patients the fortitude and resources to cope with this diagnosis.”

Dr. Salinas has a special understanding of the needs of cancer survivors. In addition to her own experience as a patient, she is a licensed marriage and family therapist and holds a PhD in clinical psychology. She is an expert on how culture affects behavior and access to care and says she appreciates the many psychosocial challenges that cancer imposes on individuals and their families.

“Until I became a cancer survivor I had no idea about the immense value that a survivorship program could provide,” she says. “Dr. Terpenning, was the first person to make me aware that cancer is a prolonged situation that creates an entanglement of issues for the entire family, not only psychologically, but often economically as well. I am honored to participate in a program that has so thoughtfully been designed to help patients navigate their journey towards recovery.”

The survivorship program is part of a long list of services for cancer patients and their families. Saint John’s offers many programs, including a surgical nurse navigator for breast cancer patients, prehabilitation, rehabilitation, genetic counseling and spiritual care. The survivorship navigator, a position that is made possible through Dr. Salinas’ gift, helps patients understand what programs are available for them and coordinate that care.

From Cancer to Health BannerInformation about this program is listed on the Pacific Neuroscience Institute website along with other patient support resources. Join this biweekly support group, From Cancer to Health™, to learn about the right tools to manage stress and gain support. Research shows that the program helps people reduce stress, improves social support, reduces physical side effects and facilitates easier communication with health care providers, family and friends.

To register or for more information, please contact:
Lind Roberts, LCSW at 310-829-8524

For more information on how to support the cancer survivorship program, please contact Jeanne Goldsmith at 310-582-7344.


Original article “A Gift to Establish Cancer Survivorship Series” published by Providence Saint John’s Health Center

About the Author

Zara Jethani, MS, MBA

Zara Jethani

Zara is the marketing director at Pacific Neuroscience Institute. Her background is in molecular genetics research and healthcare marketing. In addition, she is a graphic designer with more than 20 years experience in the healthcare, education and entertainment industries.

Last updated: July 23rd, 2017