Cognitive Brain Health Diagnostic Workup
Improving brain functioning through personalized physical exercise and targeted neurocognitive training programs
Workup: Clinic Consultation
If you have scheduled a consultation, please check with our office at 310-582-7641 to see if any forms require completion before your upcoming appointment.
Clinic consultations begin with a comprehensive medical evaluation, taking into account individual variability in genes, comprehensive environment, and lifestyle choices that may impact risk of disease. Data is collected through of use of commercially available, FDA-cleared, Medicare-reimbursable tools.
Patient and Caregiver Provided Information:
- Pre-appointment History and Information Questionnaire: Completed by patient and/or primary caregiver(s) (e.g., spouse, adult children, etc.) at the time of scheduling, details history. If you have scheduled a consultation, please check with our office at 310-582-7641 to see if any forms require completion before your upcoming appointment.
- Self-Reported Measures of Mood and Cognition: Brief, vital signs capture of mood and cognitive symptoms.
Same Day Testing Results:
- Objective Neurocognitive Testing: Brief (<1 hour) office-based testing to determine the medical necessity for referral to a neuropsychologist for more exhaustive (3-5 hour) testing battery.
Additional Elements of the Workup May Include:
- Lab Testing: Beginning with standard labs and expanding in an iterative fashion to optimize brain health.
- Quantitative Volumetric MRI: Neuroreader Brainreader automated report quantifies 45 brain-regions against the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Database to pin-point atrophied areas.
- Psychotropic Pharmacogenomic Testing: Genomind’s leading mental health genetic testing for depression, designed to unlock unique insights to more quickly identify a personalized treatment plan.