Ear exam

Temporal Bone (Ear) Tumors

What are Temporal Bone Tumors?

Temporal bone tumors are growths that develop within the temporal bone, which is a complex structure at the base of the skull that houses the ear structures and is involved in hearing and balance. Tumors in the temporal bone can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). These tumors can originate from various structures within the temporal bone, including the inner ear, middle ear, and surrounding bone and tissues. The temporal bone consists of the petrous, squamous, mastoid, and tympanic parts.

Tumors of the temporal bone (ear) and lateral skull base are quite rare and can be benign or cancerous.

At the Pacific Eye Ear and Skull Base Center, a multidisciplinary team including head & neck surgeons, neurosurgeons, oncologists and audiologists use advanced technology for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of these complex set of tumor types.

Common Types of Temporal Bone Tumors

Acoustic Neuroma (Vestibular Schwannoma)

A benign tumor arising from the vestibular (balance) nerve or cochlear (hearing) nerve. It often affects the inner ear and can lead to symptoms such as hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and imbalance.


A non-cancerous but potentially destructive growth of skin cells that can occur in the middle ear. Cholesteatomas can cause damage to the structures of the ear and may lead to hearing loss, ear drainage, and other complications.

Glomus Tumor (Paraganglioma)

A slow-growing, usually benign tumor arising from the cells of the glomus body, which helps regulate blood pressure. Glomus tumors in the temporal bone can affect the middle ear and adjacent structures.

Malignant Tumors

Malignant tumors, such as squamous cell carcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, or osteosarcoma, can also occur in the temporal bone. These tumors are more aggressive and may require a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and sometimes chemotherapy for treatment.


A tumor arising from the meninges, the layers of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord. Meningiomas can extend into the temporal bone and cause various neurological symptoms.

Benign tumors of the ear that we treat include:


Cholesterol granulomas



Tumors of the ear and lateral skull base produce a variety of symptoms related to the ear and hearing. Hearing loss and noise in the ear (tinnitus) are most common. Some patients develop pain and drainage. These tumors can also lead to facial weakness and balance problems.

Diagnosis & Treatment

Diagnosis and treatment are tailored specifically for each patient. Temporal bone tumors are typically diagnosed using CT and MRI imaging. A biopsy is sometimes performed to confirm the diagnosis. Hearing and balance testing are often needed.

Because tumors of the ear and lateral skull base are adjacent to the crucial structures (inner ear, brain) care is taken to treat the tumor without harming the surrounding areas. Minimally invasive surgical excision by our otolaryngology, head & neck, and neurosurgeons is the optimal treatment for most tumors. In some cases, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used as the sole treatment or as an adjuvant.

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We are a highly specialized team of medical professionals with extensive neurological and cranial disorder knowledge, expertise and writing experience.
Last updated: November 21, 2023