Ear exam

Vestibular Rehabilitation (Balance Therapy)

Vestibular rehabilitation decreases dizziness and long term complications of balance disorders. Medications called vestibular suppressants are often used in the acute phase of vestibular disorders. For most vestibular disorders, long term use of vestibular medications is counterproductive as these medications prevent the inner ear and brain’s ability to compensate and recalibrate.

What is Vestibular Rehabilitation?

Early initiation of vestibular exercises in patients with acute vestibular disorder results in increased daily function, decreased vertigo episodes, improved quality of life and less falls. Vestibular rehabilitation is a form of physical therapy aimed at improving balance and resolving vestibular disorders. Rehab programs are composed of a series of balance training exercises. After identifying the underlying cause of the balance disorder, exercise programs are individually tailored for each patient. These exercises promote the patient’s vestibular system to compensate for the balance disorder.

Our specialists work in conjunction with the Performance Therapy department at Providence Saint John’s Health Center to provide balance therapy services to our patients.

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We are a highly specialized team of medical professionals with extensive neurological and cranial disorder knowledge, expertise and writing experience.
Last updated: June 5, 2024