The SurviveGBM Initiative
SurviveGBM is a multi-center initiative that critically examines the molecular profiles of long-term glioblastoma survivors.
This is a multinational, multi-center collaborative GBM research effort bringing together cross-functional teams with the common goal of identifying key factors that confer survival advantage for certain patients with glioblastoma. As part of this study, we evaluate genomic, molecular and physiologic profiles of tumors from long-term survivors of glioblastoma (survival of more than 5 years).
We collect samples from patients and examine factors that may provide survival advantage to these glioblastoma patients. In addition, we gather their clinical/treatment histories, imaging, pathology specimens, and molecular information. Our team reviews these data centrally to identify factors that could predict improved survival. In patients that are alive, we perform additional studies including advanced imaging, immunological profiling, exosome profiles and others as feasible.