Pacific Rim Master Class 2023
Pacific Rim Master Class in Endoscopic Endonasal and Keyhole Surgery
A collaboration between University of Colorado & Pacific Neuroscience Institute
March 24-26, 2023 | Santa Monica, California, USA
This endoscopic endonasal and keyhole surgery CME course will provide an extensive immersion in advanced endonasal and transcranial keyhole surgical techniques using didactic and anatomical lectures, cadaveric dissections, and a live surgery on Day 1.
The course faculty are highly experienced and recognized world-experts in minimally invasive endoscopic and keyhole surgery.
The course emphasis will be on:
- Patient and approach selection
- Surgical judgement
- Anatomical awareness
- Technical nuances
- Complication avoidance
- Maintaining quality of life
- Optimizing clinical outcomes
Specific approaches discussed and performed in the lab will include:
- Endoscopic endonasal route including extended approach variations
- Supraorbital eyebrow craniotomy
- Mini-pterional craniotomy
- Gravity-assisted transfalcine and transtentorial endoscopic approaches
- Retromastoid route
A team approach involving neurosurgery, otolaryngology and neuro-ophthalmology will be stressed as well as collaboration with neuro-oncology, endocrinology and radiation oncology.
The course will have parallel sessions on keyhole surgery for neurosurgeons, and endonasal approaches for ENTs/ophthalmologists.
Neurosurgeons, otolaryngologists/ENT/rhinologists, plastic surgeons, and neuroophthalmologists/ ophthalmologists with some prior experience in endoscopic and keyhole surgery who want to expand their repertoire and capabilities.
$3,000 individual
- Didactic & hands-on
$5,000 pair ($2,500 individual)
- Didactic & hands-on
$1000 residents / fellows
$500 didactic only
Course Directors
Pacific Neuroscience Institute
PNI Faculty
In alphabetical order by last name
Garni Barkhoudarian, MD
Co-Director, Pituitary Disorders Center
Director, Adult Hydrocephalus Center
Director, Facial Pain Center
Director, SJCI/PNI Neuroanatomy
J. Frank Berry, MD, MS
Neurosurgery Fellow 2022-23
Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS
Head & Neck Surgery
Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
Director, Facial Pain Center Director, Pacific Eye, Ear & Skull Base Center
Daniel F. Kelly, MD
Director, Brain Tumor Center
Director, Pituitary Disorders Program
Director & Co-Founder, Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Amit Kochhar, MD
Director, Facial Nerve Disorders Program
Howard Krauss, MD
Director, Eye, Ear & Skull Base Center
Co-Founder, Pacific Neuroscience Institute
Walavan Sivakumar, MD
Director, Neurovascular Surgery
Director, Neurosurgery PNI South Bay
CU Faculty
In alphabetical order by last name
Anne Getz, MD
Rhinology & Otolaryngology
Head & Neck Surgery
University of Colorado Medicine
A. Samy Youssef, MD, PhD
Director, Skull Base Surgery
Professor of Neurosurgery & Otolaryngology
University of Colorado Medicine
Visiting Faculty
In alphabetical order by last name
Ivan El-Sayed, MD
Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology
Director of the Otolaryngology Minimally Invasive Skull Base Surgery
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS)
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Kentaro Horiguchi, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery
Chiba University Hospital
Tokyo, Japan
Doo Sik Kong, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery
Samsung Medical Centre, Korea
Pablo Villanueva, MD
Facultad de Medicina
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Gabriel Zada, MD
Director, USC Brain Tumor Center
Professor of Neurological Surgery (Clinical Sch)
Otolaryngology and Internal Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC
Co-Director, USC Pituitary Center
Los Angeles, CA
Course Overview
Friday, March 24th
12 – 5pm – Live surgery, short lectures, and evening reception
Saturday, March 25th
All-day lectures & dissection & course dinner
Sunday, March 26th
All-day lectures & dissection
5pm – Adjourn
Days At-A-Glance
Friday, March 24th, 2023 – DAY 1
Noon – 5pm
Pacific Neuroscience Institute, 2125 Arizona Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404
11am – Noon | Registration & Lunch |
Noon | Welcome Course Overview Daniel F. Kelly, MD Garni Barkhoudarian, MD A. Samy Youssef, MD, PhD |
12:10pm | Live Surgery Case introduction J. Frank Berry, MD, MS – PNI Fellow |
12:30pm | Invited Guest Lecture Complications of endoscopic endonasal surgery in Chile Pablo Villanueva, MD |
1 – 3:30pm | Case Discussion Live commentary Garni Barkhoudarian, MD |
3:30-4pm | Break |
4pm | Approach lecture Keyhole or endonasal surgery – case dependent Garni Barkhoudarian, MD Daniel F. Kelly, MD |
4:30pm | Combined Open & Endoscopic Approaches Parasellar region, cavernous sinus or lateral skull base A. Samy Youssef, MD, PhD |
5pm | Welcome Reception SoCalo Restaurant |
7pm | Faculty Dinner La Puglia |
Saturday, March 25th, 2023 – DAY 2
All day
Saint John’s Cancer Institute, 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
7am | Continental Breakfast Parallel Neurosurgery Session (J&JG Conference Room) | Continental Breakfast Parallel ENT Session (Executive Conference Room) |
7:30am | Keyhole surgery: supraorbital and mini-pterional approaches Daniel F. Kelly, MD | Mucosal repurposing and turbinate preservation in endoscopic skull base surgery Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS |
8am | Endoscope-assisted posterior fossa surgery Garni Barkhoudarian, MD | Sinonasal malignancies Anne Getz, MD |
8:30am | Endoscope-assisted cranial surgery and fluorescence Gabriel Zada, MD | Endoscopic approaches to the Infratemporal Fossa Ivan El-Sayed, MD |
9am | Keyhole approaches for aneurysm surgery Walavan Sivakumar, MD | Management of complex wounds and skull base reconstruction Amit Kochhar, MD |
9:30am | Tuberculum sella mengioma: above or below? Garni Barkhoudarian, MD | The skull base repair ladder at UCSF Ivan El-Sayed, MD |
10am | Anatomical Dissection Eyebrow keyhole supraorbital craniotomy Mini-pterional craniotomy Tranorbital (eyelid) | |
Noon | Lunch | |
12:30pm | Lunch lecture Olfaction preservation in anterior skull base meningiomas A. Samy Youssef, MD, PhD | |
1 – 4pm | Anatomical Dissection Endonasal approaches Coronal plane – Meckel’s cave approach Coronal plane – infratemporal approach | |
4pm | Panel Discussion Scary cases (all faculty) | |
6pm | Adjourn | |
7pm | Course Dinner Earth, Wind, & Flour |
Sunday, March 26th, 2023 – DAY 3
All day
Saint John’s Cancer Institute, 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
7am | Continental Breakfast |
7:15am | Endoscopic endonasal surgery: overview Daniel F. Kelly, MD |
7:30am | Flap reconstruction and CSF leak management Chester F. Griffiths, MD, FACS |
8am | Coronal plane approaches: anterior (transorbital) and infrapetrous coronal approaches (medial petrous apex and petroclival) Anne Getz, MD |
8:30 | Management of cavernous sinus invasion Kentaro Horiguchi, MD |
8:55am | Neuro-ophthalmic evaluation and management in association with multidisciplinary care of parasellar tumors Howard R. Krauss, MD |
9:15am | Trans-orbital approaches to skull base tumors Doo Sik Kong, MD |
9:40am | Endoscopic endonasal approach for craniopharyngioma Kentaro Horiguchi, MD |
10am | Anatomical Dissection Endonasal approaches Sagittal plane – transtubercular Sagittal plane – transclival Sagittal plane – odontoid |
12pm | Lunch |
12:30pm | Lunch Lecture Factors predicting visual recovery after orbital tumor research Doo Sik Kong, MD |
1pm | Anatomical Dissection Supracerebellar / infratentorial / transtentorial sitting position Transfalcine approach |
3pm | Carotid injury prevention and model demonstration Gabriel Zada, MD |
4pm | Panel discussion Scary cases All faculty |
5pm | Adjourn |
For more information, please contact: Jenna Banaag, MHA