Josh Emerson, BS, MFA
Medical Illustrator & Animator; Skull Base Microdissection Lab Manager, Pacific Neuroscience Institute
As a medical illustrator and animator, Josh Emerson is a professional artist with advanced education in both the life sciences and visual communication. Collaborating with scientists, physicians, and other specialists, he transforms complex anatomical information into visual images that have the potential to communicate to broad audiences; largely including physicians, fellows, medical students, and patients. Medical illustration for the neurosciences and neurosurgery is highly complex involving the exact representation of neurosurgical anatomy and pathology. Mr. Emerson’s work has been cited in numerous neurosurgical publications and has been used as educational material in animation projects and website publications.
20 Years with UCLA Department of Neurosurgery
13 Years Medical Illustration Experience
3 Time Cover Artist for the Journal of Neurosurgery
1 Time Cover Artist for the Journal of Operative Neurosurgery
14 Time Front Cover Artist for Neurotransmitter Magazine